BSB Number for WBC Bank (Westpac Banking Corporation) Gordon in Gordon NSW is 032-281. Find Address, Contact Numbers, BSB Codes


Bank: Westpac Banking Corporation (WBC Bank)

Bank Branch: Gordon

BSB Number: 032-281

Address: 737-739 Pacific Highway

City: Gordon

State: NSW, Australia

Post Code: 2072

Phone Number: 132 032 , Intl: +61 2 9293 9270

Payment Types: PEH (P:Paper, E:Electronic, H:High Value)

A Bank-State-Branch Number (abbreviated as "BSB" Number) is used in Australia for a bank code, which is a branch identifier. BSB number is used as an identifier consisting of a six digit numerical code that identifies an individual branch of an Australian financial institution. The BSB number is normally used in association with the bank account number.

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